Saturday, January 9, 2010 at 3:11 AM Posted by Ermename Eliester 0 Comments

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, this series is a do over of the previous one, not a sequal the previous one only followed the manga roughly and came up with its own ending as the manga was nowhere near finished at the time.

This time round the writers are following the manga as closely as possible, I was mildly dissapointed with the original so when I saw and heard about Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood I was intrigiued, so far it has yet to disappoint, I never realised how much was left out of the old show and am really excited to see where this one will go next.

Animation wise it is close enough to the old show to not put anyone off, while being different enough to not feel like your watching the same program. I was hooked after the first episode and have been avidly watching ever since. The characters are strong, from the serious Al to the gorgeous yet fiery Winrey and the story while being fairly serious contains enough humour to stop it from being depressing, it is a very well balanced show and well worth your time. I would recommend this show to anyone who likes anime and who liked the manga or just likes good TV!

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